First post EVER!

Hi, my name is Erica and this is my first post ever so bear with me pls~

I started this blog so i could share the things in my life and show others who walk around with the same problems they are not alone! But let’s start with a little information about myself!

For starters, I’m Psyichic and I have the ability to talk to my angels and see ghosts as well as feel them. Yes it might sound weird but pls don’t judge me for it. I come from Europe, but would love to see the world one day~

My dream is to help as many people as i can in my lifetime! and my hobbies are: Writing, playing the trumpet and doing art.

So let me start of with a message from the angels:  You are never alone!

Even when you think you’ve got nothing left, you’ve always have something, your guardien angel. It has been with you all your life. It is there to help you, with everyday problems. ‘But why can’t i see or hear him?’ One asks. Well you cant hear them or see them because you have to ask them for help.

If you expect them to do anything for you without any effort from you, how valuable would their help be?

If you went to a teacher and asked them things about your homework you’d appreciate their help wouldn’t you? But if that teacher was to come up to you telling you how to do stuff you wouldn’t like it would you?

This is the same with the angels, the angels can only help you if you ask them to help you, because of one beautiful gift: freedom! Even if you live in a situation where you have hardly any freedom, you were born on this world to have freedom, freedom for how you want to live your life, freedom for what you want to do and freedom of choice.

You can only decide your hapiness, but i’ll get to that later!

Now that I have told you about your guardian angel, someone will be like,’But god doesn’t excist! I’m athiest!’. To those I say, yeah he does. But not in the way the church tells you! The church makes it look like god is the judging leader who would judge everyone for who they are and what they have done.

But to say this in short words, That’s not true! 

God could care less about what you choose! it is your choice to make! If you’re happy with it, why wouldn’t he be happy about it!

He isn’t here to tell us what to do, he is here to observe what we do! and if that is something we ourself would find horrible then so be it! He can’t take away our free will, only we ourselves can. But also with this topic, I’ll go into this later.

For those who have questions, about me or the spiritual world, you can send me your question and I’ll try to awnser it in one of my blog posts.

Thank you for reading, Erica out!

Psychic Reader Neon Sign