What is a spirit?

Hey guys!

So this I’ve been wondering for myself. After my first encounter with a spirit I thougthe-science-behind-ghost-sightings-131028-ladyht, ‘but wait! isn’t that called a ghost instead of a spirit?’

Well yes and no. A ghost is a spirit and a spirit is not necessarily a ghost. Let me explain.

When you hear about a story about a haunted mansion or a haunting in general or anything of the sorts you immediatly think that it’s about a ghost. That is what we think a ghost should be and what a ghost is.

But when we talk a spirit we can also be talking about the same ghost. Let me explain.

A spirit is an energy being who doesn’t have an psysical body. A ghost is the same thing, it’s made out of energy and does not have an psysical body anymore. A ghost is a person who died and is still on earth, a ghost is a spirit but not all spirits are ghosts.

A spirit can be lots of things, you have spirits like ghosts, but also fairies. Fairies are another type of spirits, but fairies aren’t ghosts for the very reason why most people can’t see or hear them, they weren’t ‘people’. They haven’t lived as humans and died becomming ghosts. But they are energy beings with a perpose, tending to earth’s nature.

But there are more kinds of spirits, angels are spirits. They are energy beings who aren’t from human origin with a perpose, in this case, helping us with our journey on earth.

I hope you now know what the difference between a ghost and a spirit is and why we don’t call all spirits ghosts.

Erica out!

My mood today!

unicorns-and-fairies-susan-seddon-boulet-697144Hey guys,

I’m back with the mood for today so here it is!

Chaotic, today my mind has been jumping from place to place not staying at one place at one time.

And seeing I have the week off it won’t be such a big problem, but to keep up with school work and with my blog it is kind of annoying to not be able to concentrate for longer than 5 minutes. But with a chaotic mind comes also creativity, you’ll come up with new ideas and see connections you would normally not see.

So there is a upside and a downside to this mood and both are equally good and bad, so it’s in total balance.

So that’s my mood, Erica out!

Message from the angels! (16-10-15)

Hey guys!

I asked for a message from the angels today and archangel Haniel responded

So without further a do here’s the message: Believe in yourself!

Yep you heard me, Believe in yourself! It sounds easyer then that it’s done! Because many ofhaniel us don’t believe in ourselves, thinking they are not worth it or not good enough, thinking it would be better if we didn’t do what  we think isn’t worth it, ‘we won’t be good at it anyways!’

But I’ll let you guys in on a little secret, that’s not true!

We all have something that makes us special! That shows who we really are! Even if it’s something small. We all have something special! One is good at drawing while the other is good at sports! Even if you think ‘I’m not good at anything people like..’ You shouldn’t think like that!

If you keep comparing yourself to other people you won’t become any better than you now are!

Life is about how you want to live it, not how another person wants to live! If you like drawing in this certain way you shoudn’t be concerned if others like it as well! Because one person likes white chocolat and the other dark chocolat! Nobody is the same! so it would be very strange if everybody liked the same things!

And knowing this why wouldn’t you believe in yourself? It doesn’t matter what others think, but what you think!

So have you been having these great business ideas? Or wanted to do this great art project? Today is the day to do those because you are able to do those things! you are good and smart enough! Everybody can achive anything if they do their best and work for it!

The only one holding you back is you! So go do that art project! Go start that course! Believe in yourself, because in the end, that’s all that matters.

Hope it helped you, Erica out!

My mood today!

Hiya guys! 9f5605f2c09843bda8da7a419158150f

Back again to tell my mood. So here it is: Relaxed!

Today I feel relaxed as I am having a week off now and nothing is pressuring me so I have finaly the free time I’ve been lacking! So for everybody else out there, today is friday, the end of a long work and school week. So enjoy it! Relax, do something you like, like practicing your hobby! Do something you like and something that makes you happy!

So that’s my mood and some advise, Erica out!

Message from the angels today! (15-10-15)

Hey guys!angels__michael_by_wen_m

I asked the message of today from my angels and archangel Michael gave a response, so here it is!:

Today is a day to appriciate!

It’s true, we look at the things that aren’t right in our lifes and things that we don’t have but others do. Well the message today is to see past that and look at what you’ve got! We can easily forget what great things we have in our lives once we’re used to it or have lived with for too long,

But today is a day to look at what you’ve got and appreciate it! You might think, the things we have are normal. Having running electricity or always have food to eat isn’t normal, about 30% people on earth don’t have enough money to buy food, and about 45% of all child deaths is because of that.

So I say, if you can’t think of anything you think you have to appreciate in your life, look at the things that seem obvious to you  and you’ll come up with something. Or how about the fact that you have a normal functioning brain? A lot of people lose parts of their brain thanks to deceasses or accidents and can’t do things we could precieve as normal.

So how about you have a healthy body and mind? Or how about you have a nice family, friends or anything of that genre. There’s a lot in this world to be happy about. Even if there are bad things happening everywhere, it doesn’t mean you should feel the same way other people do. Remember you are in control about your life, and how you feel about it!

And if there are a lot of bad things in your own life, don’t look at what you’re missing, look at what you’ve got and how you feel about it. For example, you don’t have a lot of money and have a hard time paying everything every month. If you want to appreciate, you should look past your money problems and look at the nice family you have or your own skills, everything positive in your life.

For example, if there was a hobo on the street asking you for money, you wouldn’t go to him and join him asking for money would you? So if there’s a major dissaster somewhere you  can show concern or donate some money, but you shouldn’t let it control your life.

Once you feel good about your life, you are ready to look for ways to make it better, because you can’t change things if you only look at what you’re missing. If you look at what you’ve got you have a higher chance of seeing ways to be better. Like noticing skills you never had noticed before and thinking up an idea that could get you a lot of money and wealth!

So appreciate! Thank yourself or the god you believe in for what you’ve got and you’ll not only feel content with your life, but are also ready to progress!

Thanks for reading! Erica out!

Update 14-10-2015, Rain day!

Hiya! a0ef2f77167d1fc001e6988d06ee3360

Just giving you guys a quik update about my life!

Today is the day of rain! It’s wet, really wet! So today is a great day to stay at home and enjoy the warmth of the heating system.

A good cup of tea or coffee might be a good idea to fight off all the germs and to prevent getting a cold or the flue. But the rain brings also a lot of good energy! seeing as water transports energy rain will carry a lot as well, so some good peacefull energy today.

Also the fairies love the rain! it’s good for the garden and it’s delighting for them to dance in the little pools of water the rain leaves behind. And yes fairies excist.

These delightful little creatures are all around us to take care of our plants and the garden, making sure everything stays healthy. They are very nice, mostly to the people wo throw away the trash on the Streets and keep them clean.

Let’s hope tommorow will bring some better weather so I won’t get wet everytime i cycle to school. -_-

My first encounter!

It all started 2 years ago, when i just turned 15. I was on camp with my band and we were enjoying a nice holliday evening.

It was silent and nothing seemed to be a matter. But that night whent i went to bed with my bunk mates I noticed some ‘odd’ things.

Doors slamming on their own, scratching on the wall and voices down the hallway.

Being like any normal teen I was like ‘Oh I’m inmagening things!’ and tried to get some sleep. But as  the night progressed I couldn’t fall asleep and my gut feeling told me to run.

Sadly I didn’t listenen, I thought I had to aclimate to the environment so I just ignored it.

Around 2 AM everything in my room became so cold that ice was forming on the windows, I  could see my breath. Looking out of the window into the woods I thought to myself ‘hmmm this is a nice moment for a werewolf or a monster to show up!’ 

All of a sudden I heard voices in my head as clear as day, talking about me, saying I was the new arrival. Being as scared as i was I hid under my covers and closed my eyes.

I could feel them standing around me and almost see them. But I kept ignoring them and hopen if i didn’t open my eyes they would go away. But they didn’t.

A few minutes later I felt a weird pressure on my ears and couldn’t move anymore. I also decided to ignore that, bad choice.

Out of nowhere a creepy voice in my head told me to open my eyes, which I replied to that i didn’t wafa49499478c4bd996997f01670201ab6nt to. It kept telling me to do that and wouln’t stop. So giving up I opened my eyes and, if I could have, screamed.

A little girl stood in front of me with glowing red eyes and a creepy smile. She kept staring at me and didn’t make a move. I tried to call for help, for someone, but alas, I was completely frozen in fear.

We looked at each other for what felt like hours until she finally disappeared, leaving me like the mess I was.

This was the first time I would encounter a spirit, it would certainly not be my last.

First post EVER!

Hi, my name is Erica and this is my first post ever so bear with me pls~

I started this blog so i could share the things in my life and show others who walk around with the same problems they are not alone! But let’s start with a little information about myself!

For starters, I’m Psyichic and I have the ability to talk to my angels and see ghosts as well as feel them. Yes it might sound weird but pls don’t judge me for it. I come from Europe, but would love to see the world one day~

My dream is to help as many people as i can in my lifetime! and my hobbies are: Writing, playing the trumpet and doing art.

So let me start of with a message from the angels:  You are never alone!

Even when you think you’ve got nothing left, you’ve always have something, your guardien angel. It has been with you all your life. It is there to help you, with everyday problems. ‘But why can’t i see or hear him?’ One asks. Well you cant hear them or see them because you have to ask them for help.

If you expect them to do anything for you without any effort from you, how valuable would their help be?

If you went to a teacher and asked them things about your homework you’d appreciate their help wouldn’t you? But if that teacher was to come up to you telling you how to do stuff you wouldn’t like it would you?

This is the same with the angels, the angels can only help you if you ask them to help you, because of one beautiful gift: freedom! Even if you live in a situation where you have hardly any freedom, you were born on this world to have freedom, freedom for how you want to live your life, freedom for what you want to do and freedom of choice.

You can only decide your hapiness, but i’ll get to that later!

Now that I have told you about your guardian angel, someone will be like,’But god doesn’t excist! I’m athiest!’. To those I say, yeah he does. But not in the way the church tells you! The church makes it look like god is the judging leader who would judge everyone for who they are and what they have done.

But to say this in short words, That’s not true! 

God could care less about what you choose! it is your choice to make! If you’re happy with it, why wouldn’t he be happy about it!

He isn’t here to tell us what to do, he is here to observe what we do! and if that is something we ourself would find horrible then so be it! He can’t take away our free will, only we ourselves can. But also with this topic, I’ll go into this later.

For those who have questions, about me or the spiritual world, you can send me your question and I’ll try to awnser it in one of my blog posts.

Thank you for reading, Erica out!

Psychic Reader Neon Sign